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Required Courses

BGGN 223 - Graduate Genetics (6 units) or
BIOM 252 - Genetics and Genomics (2 quarters, 3 units each)

BIOM 242 - Seminar in Genetics (Journal Club - 9 quaters, 1 unit each)
CMM 262 - Quantitative Methods in Genetics
(aka BIOM 262, cross-listed as BGGN 237)

Plus 2 Elective Courses

BENG 211 - Systems Biology & Bioengineering
BGGN 212 - Introduction to Quantitative Evolutionary Biology
BGGN 213 - Foundations of Bioinformatics
BGGN 219 - Classic Papers in Genetics
BGGN 227 - Plant Molecular Genetics
BGGN 228 - Developmental Genetics
BGGN 231 - Current Topics in Stem Cell Biology
BGGN 238A - Integrative Microbiology
BIOM 252 - Genetics & Genomics
            (topics rotate, may be taken twice for credit)
BIOM 272 - Seminars in Genetics
CSE 280A - Algorithms in Computational Biology
CSE 282 - Sequence and Structure Analysis—Methods and Applications
            (CSE 101 or equivalent recommended)
CSE 284 - Personal Genomics
MED 263 - Biomedical Applications to Human Disease
MED 271 - Gene Therapy and Molecular Medicine
MED 283 - Network Biology and Biomedicine
NEU 221 - Genetics & Epigenetics in Brain Development
NEU 263 - Developmental Neuroscience
NEU 266/BGGN 268 - Development of Neural Circuits
NEU 268 - Molecular & Cellular Neurobiology
SIOB 242C - Introduction to Bioinformatics

Approved TA Options

BICD 100 - Genetics
BICD 101 - Eukaryotic Genetics Lab
BICD 123 - Plant Molecular Genetics Lab
BICD 130 - Embryos, Genes & Development
BIEB 156 - Population Genetics
BILD 20 - Human Genetics
BIMM 101 - Recombinant DNA Lab
BIMM 110 - Molecular Basis of Human Disease
BIMM 112 - Regulation of Gene Activity in Eukaryotic Cells
BIMM 122 - Microbial Genetics
BIMM 185 - Bioinformatics Laboratory
BIPN 150 - Diseases of the Nervous System

Resources on Universal Design and Inclusion