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Annual Retreat

Each 5th year class organizes our Annual Retreat, featuring student-invited keynotes, faculty speakers, their own research talks, and posters from all program students. Full program and photos can be found on pages for each year's event.

16th Annual Genetics Retreat
Friday, June 2, 2023

Kavli Auditorium, Tata Hall, UC San Diego

Register by May 15: <link closed>


Dr. Harmit Malik Ph.D. x
Harmit Malik, PhD Lisa Ikemoto, JD, LLM

Professor and Associate Director
Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Investigator, HHMI

Lab web site

"Genetic conflicts during meiosis drive the rapid evolution of essential chromatin proteins"

Martin Luther King Jr. Professor
UC Davis School of Law

Faculty web site

"Fixing the Future? Hereditable Genomic Modification"

Student and Faculty Speakers:
Matthew Wortham, James Yu, Natalie DeForest, Nora Rachtman, Jenna Kovsky, Stephanie Cherqui, Danielle Schafer, Krypton Carolino, Sara Elmsaouri, Yishi Jin, Carmine Chavez-Martinez, Tiffany Chu

Posters from G2-G4 students.

 Photos from 2023 UCSD Genetics Retreat

We gratefully acknowldege support from:

UC San Diego Department of Medicine (web site)

UC San Diego Dpeartment of Pediatrics (web site)

UC San Diego School of Biological Sciences (web site)

 10X Genomics logo          New England Biolabs logo

10X Genomics (web site) and New England Biolabs (web site)


Past retreat pages and keynote speakers:


Louise Laurent

Martin Kampmann


Paul Sternberg

Hopi Hoekstra


Valina Dawson

Vaughn Cooper


Matt Might

Alice Ting


Rudolf Jaenisch

Jeannie Lee


Lucy Shapiro

Leonid Kruglyak


Eric Green

Sarah Tishkoff


Stephen Quake

David Botstein


Joseph Gleeson

Elaine Fuchs


Herbert Boyer

Andrew Fire


Eric Lander

Hank Greeley