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Retreat 2012

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Medical Education - Telemedicine Auditorium

Thursday, March 22, 2012
9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Keynote Address: Dr. Eric Lander, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Special ELSI Lecture: Dr. Hank Greely, Stanford University

8:30 am

Coffee and Conversation
8:55 am Welcoming Remarks
9:00 am

Faculty Lecture:
Chris Glass, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine and Cellular & Molecular Medicine
"Influence of natural genetic variation on enhancer assembly and function"

9:30 am

Student Presentation:
Jeff Nelson, (Steve Kay lab)
"A transcription factor overexpression screen reveals novel regulators of the Arabidopsiscircadian clock"

9:45 am

Student Presentation:
Britt Flaherty, (James Golden lab)
"Transcriptional regulation of heterocyst development in Anabaena"

10:00 am

Faculty Lecture:
Leanne Jones, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Salk Institute
"Aging-related changes to stem cells and the stem cell niche"

10:30 am

Student Presentation:
Erilynn Heinrichsen, (Gaby Haddad lab)
"Role of metabolic genes in Drosophila response to a high-fat diet"

10:45 am

Coffee Break

11:00 am Student Presentation:
Pagkapol Pongsawakul, (Steve Kay lab)
"Investigating the role of cytoplasmic CRYPTOCHROME in cAMP signaling pathway"
11:15 am

Student Presentation:
Emily Witham, (Pamela Mellon lab)
"Puberty in female mice is accelerated by low-level prenatal androgen exposure"

11:30 am

Student Presentation:
Hank Greely, J.D.
"Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Genetics Research: A Sampler"

Hank Greely is Deane F. and Kate Edelman Johnson Professor of Law, Director of the Center for Law and the Biosciences, Professor (by courtesy) of Genetics, Chair of the Steering Committee of the Center for Biomedical Ethics, and Director of the Interdisciplinary Group on Neuroscience and Society, and a member of the Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee at Stanford University. He has previously worked as a clerk to Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, held positions in the Department of Energy and Department of Defense, and was a partner in the law firm of Tuttle & Taylor before joining the Stanford faculty. He is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

12:30 pm

Box Lunch and Poster Session, MET Courtyard

1:30 pm

Faculty Lecture:
Amy Pasquinelli, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
"Pinning Down MicroRNA Targets In Vivo"

2:00 pm

Student Presentation:
Deanna Stevens (Arshad Desai lab)
"Investigating the link between mitotic arrest and cell death in the C. elegans germline"

2:15 pm

Faculty Lecture:
Scott Rifkin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
"Manipulating genetic pathways of pathogen and host to combat antibiotic-resistant infections"

2:45 pm

Faculty Lecture:
Victor Nizet, Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics and School of Pharmacy
"Sex and Arithmetic in Nematodes"

3:15 pm

Student Presentation:
Taylor Bright (Elizabeth Winzeler lab)
"Whole genome analysis of Plasmodium vivax relapse infection"

3:30 pm Coffee Break
4:00 pm

Keynote Address:
Eric Lander, Ph.D.
"Secrets of the Human Genome"

Eric Lander is Director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Member of Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Professor of Biology at MIT, and Co-chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. He is widely known for seminal work in genetic mapping, his leadership within the public Human Genome Project, and his many contributions to our understanding of genetic mechanisms in disease and in normal biology. He has been a Rhodes Scholar, MacArthur Fellow, White House Millenium Lecturer, and is a member of the National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

5:15 pm Courtyard Reception & Discussion

Genetics Retreat Planning Committee: Steven Briggs (Biological Sciences), Joe Ecker (Salk Institute), Evan Snyder (Burnham Institute), Joe Gleeson (School of Medicine); Students: Taylor Bright, Britt Flaherty, David Kochman, Jeff Nelson, Pagkapol Pongsawakul, Erilynn Heinrichsen, Deanna Stevens, Emily Witham; Program Director: Bruce Hamilton; Staff: Peggy Bonine, Jennifer Case, Maddie Wichman.

We gratefully acknowledge the Salk Institute, the UCSD Division of Biological Sciences, Department of Psychiatry, Department of Pediatrics, and Institute for Genomic Medicine, and Illumina Inc. for their support of this event.